Talent mobility.

“Talent mobility”

Darrell Velegol, PhD


A few weeks ago Dave Parilloo (Dow Chemical) recommended a book called “The Inside Gig”. The book has some thought provoking ideas about the benefits and how-to of letting your people take different “gigs”, all within your own company. They call it “talent mobility”. Just as “skills” are becoming more important than “degrees”, so “projects” are becoming more important than “jobs”. Taking the perspective of your people as “gig workers”, you can assign them to work on various projects, which

1) reduces burnout,

2) helps them find their better fits for type of work,

3) cross-pollinates great ideas around the company,

4) improves retention,

5) keeps the experience you have “paid” to give them, in house.

6) Enables you to “hire” one-time skill needs from another part of the company, thus avoiding all the effort and cost of hiring a new person that you’ll need only occasionally.

It’s a fun book and a fast read, perhaps a little thin on examples and details, but you can fill in the blanks.


Darrell Velegol

I coach companies to win at innovation. I’m a Chemical Engineer and provide professional services to increase your Probabilistic Value.


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