Thank you for your art!

For each of you who works with innovation and innovative ideas, THANK YOU! It’s because of you that we have cars (from Model T’s to Tesla’s), heat pumps, dishwashers, induction stoves, iPhones, Google docs, direct marketing, Spotify, modern theater stage design, good running shoes, cheesesteak sandwiches, Zoom, slider burgers, sports replay, vaccines, military and police strategies, psychology methods, and a million other innovations. 

What you do isn’t “just your job”, but rather, it’s the way the world advances, and we leave a better world to our children. We don’t leave a better world by leaving $10 MM, but by leaving ideas that they in turn can advance and make the world more convenient, more enjoyable, more loving. 

On this Thanksgiving week, I THANK YOU for your contribution to the innovations that make our lives fabulous. Thank you for your expertise, your courage, your teamwork, your ARTISTRY, your sense of adventure.


Darrell Velegol

I coach companies to win at innovation. I’m a Chemical Engineer and provide professional services to increase your Probabilistic Value.

2 Purposes of goals.


Four considerations about competition in innovation