Creating tension in customers, to lead them to purchase something, is a classic marketing problem. One way to do it is FUD = Fear Uncertainty Doubt. Conventional Wisdom (CW) says that FUD is nefarious, a way to find a sucker. However, there are many marketing heroes who use FUD in a positive way, when they see a benefit to you their customer when some element of FUD tension exists. If the car truly will be $1000 more next month, it is appropriate if they contact you to buy before the end of November. And if on December 1 you double check and the price has gone up, you have more confidence in the person.

And so for innovation work, don’t hesitate to use FUD to create tension to act. But do so with integrity, seeking to help the customer rather than trick the customer.

Darrell Velegol

I coach companies to win at innovation. I’m a Chemical Engineer and provide professional services to increase your Probabilistic Value.


Four considerations about competition in innovation


Little by little, toward the number.