Drip by Drip

In the past 3 months, a number of colleagues and friends in R&D have told me that they feel invisible, and that they miss the adventurous days when they felt smart and even artistic. Wow. That’s a load. Especially if it’s most days! But what if your company had a process that drip-by-drip helped you start an innovation adventure, and then even allowed the artist in you to try some fresh ideas, and expressed surprise at how amazing and smart you and your team are, so that within a few months you all feel VISIBLE again, and sense that you belong in your company? Drip-by-drip why not start today? If www.kpco.us can help, please connect.

Darrell Velegol

I coach companies to win at innovation. I’m a Chemical Engineer and provide professional services to increase your Probabilistic Value.


Squeezing out the last bit.


Innovation in a windfall