Do constraints hinder creativity?

We all know that to be creative and innovative, we need maximum freedom. Or do we? Can too much freedom actually be a hindrance for creativity? An 2014 article by Brent Rosso showed that having constraints can actually HELP creativity. I’ve seen the same thing with our dog Brandi. When we have Brandi on a leash, she wanders about sniffing everything, exploring, trying new spots. When we take her off leash, she stays within two feet of us, not wanting to leave our side. Who knows why? Our children did the same thing, especially when they were young and had less experience. If we let them explore too broadly, their creative output seemed to diminish -- they seemed overwhelmed by having “infinite possibility”. But when we provided constraints in distance, group size, budget, or time, they often came up with simple yet clever and creative solutions. It turns out that fences can improve creativity. I haven’t learned enough yet to know for sure the role of fences on innovation, which requires many steps beyond creativity, but that’s a story for another blog.

Ref: Rosso, Brent D. “Creativity and Constraints: Exploring the Role of Constraints in the Creative Processes of Research and Development Teams,” Organization Studies, 35, 551-585 (2014).

Darrell Velegol

I coach companies to win at innovation. I’m a Chemical Engineer and provide professional services to increase your Probabilistic Value.

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