4 SAFE changes to jolt your innovation process.

Many companies wonder how to change their innovation practices so that the company can become more effective in increasing customer delight and increasing the company’s profitability. Here are four changes you might make, depending on where you currently stand. They go by the acronym SAFE.

S = Start. Some companies are working so hard on production, that they neglect to ALSO work on innovation. This is a very dangerous position! And it will at some point catch up with you. It can also happen to startup companies that begin with a great new idea, but don’t continue to innovate. It reminds me of an office worker who’s producing work, but not exercising throughout the week. Over time, their health will decline until productivity drops off. The first change is for those companies not committed to innovation. Start! A future blog will unpack this more, but for now the main item is to open capacity (time, effort, money) to innovate, just like you would open 20 min/day for exercise. You do this by identifying low-value activities that consume your resources -- even if they’re “good things” -- and eliminating them. Ouch! But you can and must do it.

A = Align. Many companies -- especially large ones -- have many people and projects and resources. However, they are often pulling in many directions, and so little progress is made in any direction. You can imagine a tug of war in which hte members are pulling in many directions! However, if your people and efforts are aligned toward a common direction, you become unstoppable. Key points here are old fundamentals: collective goal setting and execution, and collective customer discovery.

F = Focus. Oftentimes smart people create extra work for themselves by exploring every possibility. As Steve Jobs noted, the key to focus is saying “no” a lot. Set clear goals that not only say what to DO, but also what NOT to do. Ask questions that after testing can be eliminated if they don’t work out. Select the highest value projects. Increase features ONLY if they add significant benefit.

E = Expect. How many companies I’ve seen where the people don’t expect anything great to happen! They see the same old same old, and think that their company has no place for curiosity, and no room for adventure. These expectation have to change on your team, or you have to get out fast! Because these expectations are leading to decay and eventually death.

Darrell Velegol

I coach companies to win at innovation. I’m a Chemical Engineer and provide professional services to increase your Probabilistic Value.


4 steps to create capacity for your innovation.


Stuck at some point? You might have to take a leap.