We have created a 6-page PDF free guide to introduce you to some key ideas from KPCo. These pages give some idea to the scope of what you and KPCo can achieve working together! Much greater detail from this guide will appear around August 2023 in the book at the right, Design of Innovation Processes.

Free 6-page PDF Innovation Guide. Below are some questions that the guide answers.

My company is focused on production. Why do WE need to worry about innovation?

What if my company doesn’t feel the urgency of innovation?

What are some key principles of innovation processing?

Do I need to change my innovation process? A diagnostic test.

How do we innovate if we’re short on resources?

How do I get commitment to build a prototype for one FVoC?

How do I get an Integrated Innovation Team up and running?

How to move our team from contention to solutions?

What are the key steps in goal setting for our team and project?

What is the key to making sure goals get completed?

How do we create a dashboard of key metrics?

Is there a way to move from “gut feel” to more rigorous choosing?

What is the best way to choose what goes in our innovation portfolio?

Other. Don’t see your question? Ask your question here. We’ll keep your name and company anonymous, and send you an answer and/or post it here within 24 hours. It could be a question about any of the STREAMS steps, or something currently happening that you want advice about quickly.