Your innovation machine.

I think of a company as a type of machine that multiplies the abilities of its people. By myself, there is little I can do in the world. But when I join with others in an organization, there is a nonlinear effect that enables each employee to produce more than they could individually. If you have 10 people working to make hamburgers and fries, you will have some level of throughput. But if you place those 10 into a McDonalds restaurant, you’ll tremendously multiply the throughput! 

Innovation is important in adapting and growing your machine (i.e., your company, its influence, and its service). For me the key METRIC for an innovation process is how Profit Per Employee (PPE) changes over time. Innovation adds value for your customers, and if your innovation is better than others, it will translate into greater PPE over time.

I’m going to try to keep my blog posts a bit shorter in 2023, so I’ll wait until next week to describe this concept in a bit more depth, and give results for a few companies. In the meantime, if you’d like to explore this concept more for your company, please just connect with me, both to subscribe to this blog and/or to let me know you want to discuss it.

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Darrell Velegol

I coach companies to win at innovation. I’m a Chemical Engineer and provide professional services to increase your Probabilistic Value.

Your innovation machine -- a key number to track (PPE over time)


Ohm’s Law and the flow of innovation.