Go plant seeds.

“Go plant seeds”

Darrell Velegol, PhD


What seeds of growth have you planted in the past day or week? There’s an ancient story about seeds and soil. A sower planted seed, and some was taken up right away by the birds. Some fell on rocky ground and sprouted but didn’t grow. Some fell on thorny ground and got choked out by the many thorns. And some fell on good soil, producing as much as 100x what was planted.

Notice that the sower kept on sowing, despite KNOWING that some seed would get taken by the birds. The sower also knew that some seed would produce a great harvest, AND that the harvest happens in a LATER season from the planting! Every significant endeavor requires that you plant seeds. What are the next seeds you must plant? If they get “eaten by the birds”, are you ready to plant more? You can do it! Plant your first seeds today!

To learn more, contact me or check out the book “Design of Innovation Processes” at


Darrell Velegol

I coach companies to win at innovation. I’m a Chemical Engineer and provide professional services to increase your Probabilistic Value.


New birth.


Urgency with innovation