Do you have Swindlers or Generous Innovators on your team?
Do you have Swindlers or Generous Innovators on your team?
Darrell Velegol, PhD
In the 4HWW, Timothy Ferriss wrote about "the new rich", who want freedom of time and place. The Inc article below says that workers want freedom, flexibility, and autonomy. Survey respondents in the article cited the myriad benefits of remote work:
- Time savings due to less commuting (48%)
- Better work/life balance (43%)
- Flexible work schedule (43%)
- Saving money (40%)
Should employers "cave" to demands for remote work? If you have the wrong people on your bus, or if your business model doesn't promote or incentivize INNOVATION, it might be true that your people will cheat you. But if you make innovation for your customers a top priority, and have adventurous, high-value work, great people will work on your projects with overtime, creative ideas, and focus until they've achieved it!
Choose a business model that incentivizes innovation, and let your team escape drudgery and embrace adventure!